In Southwest Florida, environmental issues are constantly in the news. From stories about pollution to erratic weather patterns and droughts, it seems that we are constantly being barraged with concerns about our environment and the way it’s being impacted.
For many, environmental issues are something they feel they can’t do much about. Surprisingly, there are actually a number of things that can be done in or around your home or business to help improve efficiency, reduce waste, save money, and help out the environment all at the same time. Here are a few ideas:
Enroll in an Energy Savings Agreement With Avis
Making sure that your home’s systems are running efficiently as possible can certainly help ensure your home is as “green” as possible. Additionally, what might seem like small issues at the time can often escalate into an emergency issue later when not taken care properly — which can, in turn, cost countless dollars spent on repairs. To alleviate these efficiency concerns (and help save you the trouble and cost of dealing with a major catastrophe), Avis Plumbing and Air Conditioning offers a “Residential Energy Savings Agreement”. When put into place at your home, this ensures that your system is running in tip-top shape (keeping your utility bills down) and that your service needs are met effectively and in a timely manner if and when a problem does arise.
Tweak Your Thermostat Levels
An air conditioning/heating unit is by far the biggest consumer of energy in the entire home. Florida Power & Light recommends cooling your home at 78 degrees or warmer with the thermostat fan left in the “auto” mode. While away from the house, consider setting the thermostat around 83 degrees in “auto” mode. If you have pets, make sure they will be comfortable with these adjustments.
Purchase Energy-Friendly Appliances
Appliances that are Energy Star compliant are a great way to help reduce power consumption and lower your electricity bill. When it’s time to shop for appliances, be sure to look for the energy-efficient logos on the appliances you are considering.
Install a Water Filtration System
Consumption of bottled waters can have a big impact on the environment. It’s estimated that Americans purchase nearly 29 billion bottled waters each year. Only about 13 percent of those bottles are actually recycled — the majority end up in landfills. Additionally, the manufacturing and transportation of bottled waters result in a large consumption of crude oil and other resources . Consider installing a water filtration system to cut down on your bottled water use.
Honor Your County’s Water Restrictions
Lawn irrigation in Florida represents the largest use of water from municipal water supplies. In 2008, The South Florida Water Management District implemented permanent, year-round water restrictions for homeowners. This includes watering of lawns and washing of cars, which are the two most common water usage activities that take place outside a home. Be sure to check your county’s restrictions and adhere to these rules.
Install a High Efficiency Toilet
High efficiency toilets (HETs) typically flush using 20% less water than what is mandated. They also flush very quietly and are typically characterized by their comfort and unique design. With traditional toilets consuming as much as seven gallons per flush, HETs are a great way to conserve water in the home while helping to lower your monthly water bill.
If you have any questions regarding the above recommendations, contact Avis Plumbing and Air Conditioning at (239) 542-4421.
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